Friday, September 28, 2012

Hey every pony, sorry i have not posted for 2 days, this was because i had an iv in my right hand for 3 days; it really sucked manly because i'm right handed (right hoofed) like most people are. Moving on. So i herd that season 3 of MLP is coming out soon; im sure sometime in October from what i herd, don't sliten to other website's that have a date because what they where telling me was bullshit, if anypony has a valid date let me know  

here are some season 3 


Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Sorry every pony for not posting yesterday i have been bussy with school and medical stuff this week i was sopost to have some sort of bone infusion thing sounds pain full right but it is not at all i was geting that all sorted out,
any way here is a MLP music video this one has been getting big hits

BY  JanAnimation

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Todays top artest

Todays top artest 

The Hero You Were Born To Be

Comic Saturday 1

How was every pony's day? Have you had a good laugh today?
Well if not thats not good because i don't think any pony could go a day with out 
laughing, even if they where not in a good mood. Don't worry because pinkie is here to brighten up your day literally. lol 

Here are some comics 
that will make you
laugh, well they made 
me laugh.

 comics are brought to you by
deviant art

comics Saturday
this weeks artest   

Sorry every pony

Hey every pony sorry about having no updates today. I had no time to think of something to post, I got sucked in to mine craft and then did some video editing and eat a butch food like popcorn and pickled salmon, tea, chocolate, gummy worms(not pinkie pie's pet gummy because he is not a worm) you get the point I was busy today, I'll defiantly come up with something, well good night every pony

Thursday, September 20, 2012

5 Brony songs

Hi Every pony how was your day? i had a good day,
how about some MLP music?

My top 5 Brony songs

#1 So Many Wonders 

 (Sim Gretina Remix)

#2 Sister Hate  

[The Living Tombstone & Mic The 


Link to channel

#3 Ultimate Sweetie Belle
Alex S

Link to channel

#4 Sisterhooves
Sim Gretina

5# The Cutie Mark 
(daks 'Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme' Remix)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Art shy


Todays top artest 


Hello Everypony and welcome to Fluttersay Fury Daly
this is my first post so you might never see it but thats ok. This is a place for Bronys to share there art. 
(music and MLP art work like wallpapers) our goal here is to be the number 1 place for MLP art and sharing the magic of friendship after all we all love friendship right? welcome to the herd of Fluttersay Fury Daly